Tuesday, December 13, 2011

CASTING CALL (sort of)

So, now that we are underway with preproduction. Finding locations, etc. I wanted to get some of our casting going. This is a bit different, than what we'd normally do for a casting call and these are special roles in the movie as they really require no special acting skill/training. What I am looking for are people with interesting stories (whether true or not) about their "experiences" with "Seven Toe Maggie". I'm looking for "characters" with an interesting look or story to tell. To help those who may not know what "Seven Toe Maggie" is. The basis of the story is.. that there is a location in Southern Ga, where a young native american woman (she's also been other races, and sex) died and now haunts the area. People have claimed to have seen her, as well as have had strange encounters with her spirit at the location, which in reality is an old church. So, what do I need? I'm looking for people who can give me their best "Seven Toe Maggie" stories on camera, as if they were being interviewed by a reality show. All you have to do is get out your webcam, camera phone, video camera.. etc. and film yourself telling your "Seven Toe Maggie" encounter. Be as detailed as you can, and get into your "character" as if you were a "local" who crossed paths with her at some point. We will choose from the best videos we receive and have those people appear in the movie as the character they've created for themselves, in one of the scenes in the movie. These are not main roles, but they are very featured parts because you will get good screen time, and of course speaking lines.

To submit:

Record yourself on video telling your "Seven Toe Maggie" story. You can get as creative as you want with it. The stories don't have to be true, just as long as they are interesting/entertaining. Upload it to a site like Youtube, Vimeo etc. and email the video link to: seventoemovie@gmail.com Subject line: Maggie Story

We are not looking for anything specific, so you can be any age, any gender, any race. We are looking for interesting people who pop on camera, with a unique story to tell that will engage viewers.

Keep the videos under 5 minutes if at all possible.

No acting experience required. These are volunteer roles, but you will receive a copy of the final film in some form, and be provided with meals on set, the day we shoot.

Good Luck!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Teaser shoot!

Saturday night we got together to shoot a short teaser scene for "The Legend of Seven Toe Maggie". Unlike EXIT 101 where I served as producer/writer. I will be directing this film, as well as still doing the writing. Coming on board for the film thus far, is Jerry Hawkins who will serve as my Key Grip/2nd Camera Operator. Dennis Fraser, returning as Grip/Electrician/Jack of all Trades. We also have some other folks from EXIT 101's crew who will be joining us once again. We plan to start casting as early as January, and we will be doing both video/in person auditions. The character breakdowns for the roles we will be casting for will be available soon. We shot a teaser Saturday night, starring the lovely Marina Stout (girl in music store in EXIT 101). The Director of EXIT 101 Doug Cole helped us out, as DP as well as my good friend Brett Driver (Cardboard Warfare). We filmed for about 12 hrs in the cold. Marina toughed it out and we got some great shots, to give everyone an idea of how Seven Toe Maggie will look in comparison to our last film. Look for that to be online in a week or so. In the mean time here are some screen shots from the footage.

Preproduction Underway!

Hey guys! Been a while since many of you who followed our other film "EXIT 101" saw one of these posts! I'm proud to announce that preproduction for Blackflight Studios' 2nd feature length Independent Horror film has begun. Currently I'm writing the first draft of the script as we speak and its coming along nicely so far. I'd like to take the opportunity with this very first post to explain some about the story, how we plan to shoot this film, and what will be different about this film vs. our last. We learned alot the last go round and we are going to use those things to improve this film tenfold in every aspect of the production. First things first though.. What IS The Legend of Seven Toe Maggie?

Well, for those who live in our area you probably have heard at least one of the many variations of the story. As is common with myths and urban legends, depending on who you ask you'll get a different version of what really took place. Many of you may even have gone to the "real" location. Since there is really no way to know what is "Accurate" and what isn't in an urban legend. We decided to take an approach that would touch on the key points of what most people know as the "story" but add in some other elements to make it alot more interesting, and ALOT scarier. Most people can all agree on the part of the story revolving around walking around a church, seven times and the spirit of Seven Toe Maggie appearing, and bad things happening. I don't want to give away too much too early, but I will say that we are taking an approach to this film that I think will be very interesting. We want to take the "reality show" aspects of films like Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity and mesh them together with a traditional theatrical horror film. We want this movie to be extremely "scary". Hopefully we can accomplish that task.

Next on the agenda! Shooting! EXIT 101 took nearly 25 days of shooting and we did it entirely on weekends. We'd like to continue with that same agenda, but streamline the process a bit and make things go a bit faster than they did for EXIT 101. We think that with this story we will have an easier time shooting faster, but maintaining a better end product. We will still be utilizing mostly volunteer crew for Seven Toe Maggie, but we hope to bring in a few key professionals to make this the best film it can be. We will be shooting on (as of now) One Canon T2i, and if the funds are there possibly an additional camera. DSLR cameras have changed the independent film making industry forever. We want to use high quality lenses to get the highest cinematic quality possible.

Lastly, whats different about this film vs. EXIT 101? Well first off, EXIT 101 was a complete throwback to the corny horror movies of the 80s. It has a definite "comedic" side to it, where as I would like Seven Toe Maggie to have a "dark" and eerie edge and be a truly terrifying experience. Sound design will play a huge part in making that happen as well as the casting and locations. Even though this is a "movie" we want you to still have the sense that this could be "Real". I will keep this updated as we progress, so keep checking back! Thanks for supporting our film endeavors!